Recovery from a film shoot I would imagine is a bit like returning to your home after being in an exotic land that resembles nothing like the landscape you're used to. Those things that were once commonplace are seemingly out-of-place...but the real truth is that you're out-of-place. You're what has "changed" (at least for a period of time) You also realize that the pace of things you became used to on the film was much faster and adrenalized than what you were accustomed to BF(before filmmaking). All this made the perfect storm for me to feel emotionally and physically exhausted when I returned from wrapping THE RED ROBIN last week, Dec. 23, 2011.
I collapsed and probably could've done a Rip Van Winkle but I'm a dad with young boys which means time for rest is a thing of the past. My first few days back to reality I was in a perpetual half-awake state which meant I bumped into walls and whenever i sat down I basically snored myself into a stupor. All this was my bodies way of saying "You don't get to go to such highs without paying for it!" It's almost a week since we wrapped and I finally feel re-adjusted, if not completely ready to return to the land AF(After filmmaking).
The next chapter is one of my favorites because I'm an editor by trade. For me, movies have always been made in the edit. You can make a bad film tolerable, a good film great, or a good film horrible. That's a lot of power and to understand that is important if you're going to be a filmmaker. I highly recommend that every aspiring director learns how to edit or at least immerses themselves in the process. Not only is it where you really learn the ingredients that go into making scenes work and storytelling thrive, it's where you will gain your most confidence as a director(the next time you shoot a film). People ask me why I'm so calm during shoots. My first answer is because I am doing what I always did since I was 8 years old and enjoyed more than anything in the world. Why wouldn't I be calm and composed? I'm where I have always wanted to be. The second answer is really because I've been in the editing room for many years. I've edited features, documentaries and shorts and one thing I have discovered is that when you start thinking like an editor(on the set as a director) you don't go hog wild overshooting and getting things from every conceivable angle, 100 takes. You have a greater security in your choices hopefully and have a stronger idea when you have a scene in the can. I have always prided myself on being a conservative shooter(I don't mix politics and filmmaking). I don't agree with burning negative or hours of time with innumerable takes and countless angles. Filmmaking is hard enough shooting moderate amount of coverage, I just don't feel like most movies require shooting till your DP has lost vision out of one of hs eyes and your actors have been reduced to robots reciting lines. I attribute my leaner style to my experience in the edit. Also, I hate working past 12 hours as I will turn into a monster the next day should that happen.
So, editing is on deck. I'm watching dailies on my macpowerbook and I'm reliving every shot we did in December. So far I am enthusiastic to the point of bordering on immodest. I know when i start seeing scenes cut, it will be a reality check. Certain scenes may under deliver, others may not work as intended, but I know that the sculpting process is one where things will evolve. Editing is the final chapter of screenwriting and it takes drafts to get things where you want. Therefore, patience is essential. I am about to bring on an editor and post will begin the around January 5 for 3 months. The goal is for us to be done with a locked cut by May/June. That will allow us time to find the necessary representation and sales team to help bring the project to the festivals and marketplace. As we're putting the film together in the edit, I will occasionally blog the experience. Occasionally because I think it will be far more interesting when the film is done and people can watch then learn about the construction. Right now, I can't give too much of the story away because it's a thriller/mystery so anything I would talk about in detail would sail above readers heads or be too spoilerish!
My entries from this point forward will relate more back to the making of the film. We still have 5 days to shoot in january and we're hoping this warm winter turns frigid so we don't have to matte icicles in post. Thanks for taking an interest and definitely check in over the next few weeks when I start adding VLOGS from the first shoot.